Results for 'Loes D. Derksen'

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  1.  31
    Dialogues on women: images of women in the history of philosophy.Loes D. Derksen - 1996 - Amsterdam: VU University Press.
    Aan de orde komen opvattingen over (de rol van) vrouwen in het werk van westerse filosofen, te weten Plato, Aristoteles, St. Thomas Aquinas, Christine de Pisan, Bacon, Descartes, Rousseau, Kant, Wollstonecraft, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Irigaray.
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    An Assessment of the Human Subjects Protection Review Process for Exempt Research.Jonathan D. Loe, D. Alex Winkelman & Christopher T. Robertson - 2016 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 44 (3):481-491.
    Medical and public health research includes surveys, interviews, and biospecimens — techniques that do not present substantial risks to subjects. Consequently, this research is exempt from regulation under the Federal Common Rule. Nevertheless, at many institutions, exempt research is frequently subject to the same regulatory process that is required for non-exempt research, requiring the consumption of time and resources for review by Institutional Review Board members or staff. The federal government has indicated an intention to reform and centralize this system, (...)
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    Cascading Consent for Research on Biobank Specimens.Jonathan Loe, Christopher T. Robertson & D. Alex Winkelman - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (9):68-70.
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  4.  43
    Determinants of Non-paid Task Division in Gay-, Lesbian-, and Heterosexual-Parent Families With Infants Conceived Using Artificial Reproductive Techniques.Loes Van Rijn - Van Gelderen, Kate Ellis-Davies, Marijke Huijzer-Engbrenghof, Terrence D. Jorgensen, Martine Gross, Alice Winstanley, Berengere Rubio, Olivier Vecho, Michael E. Lamb & Henny M. W. Bos - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:515593.
    Background: The division of non-paid labor in heterosexual parents in the West is usually still gender-based, with mothers taking on the majority of direct caregiving responsibilities. However, in same-sex couples, gender cannot be the deciding factor. Inspired by Feinberg’s ecological model of co-parenting, this study investigated whether infant temperament, parent factors (biological relatedness to child, psychological adjustment, parenting stress, and work status), and partner relationship quality explained how first-time gay, lesbian, and heterosexual parents divided labor (childcare and family decision-making) when (...)
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    Coping With Stigma in the Workplace: Understanding the Role of Threat Regulation, Supportive Factors, and Potential Hidden Costs.Colette Van Laar, Loes Meeussen, Jenny Veldman, Sanne Van Grootel, Naomi Sterk & Catho Jacobs - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:422443.
    Despite changes in their representation and visibility, there are still serious concerns about the inclusion and day-to-day workplace challenges various groups face (e.g., women, ethnic and cultural minorities, LGBTQ+, people as they age, and those dealing with physical or mental disabilities). Men are also underrepresented in specific work fields, in particular those in HEED (Health care, Elementary Education and the Domestic sphere). Previous literature has shown that group stereotypes play an important role in maintaining these inequalities. We outline how insights (...)
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  6. Existential loneliness and end-of-life care: A systematic review.Eric J. Ettema, Louise D. Derksen & Evert Leeuwen - 2010 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 31 (2):141-169.
    Patients with a life-threatening illness can be confronted with various types of loneliness, one of which is existential loneliness (EL). Since the experience of EL is extremely disruptive, the issue of EL is relevant for the practice of end-of-life care. Still, the literature on EL has generated little discussion and empirical substantiation and has never been systematically reviewed. In order to systematically review the literature, we (1) identified the existential loneliness literature; (2) established an organising framework for the review; (3) (...)
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    Existential loneliness and end-of-life care: A systematic review.Eric J. Ettema, Louise D. Derksen & Evert van Leeuwen - 2010 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 31 (2):141-169.
    Patients with a life-threatening illness can be confronted with various types of loneliness, one of which is existential loneliness (EL). Since the experience of EL is extremely disruptive, the issue of EL is relevant for the practice of end-of-life care. Still, the literature on EL has generated little discussion and empirical substantiation and has never been systematically reviewed. In order to systematically review the literature, we (1) identified the existential loneliness literature; (2) established an organising framework for the review; (3) (...)
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  8.  47
    Advancing the Debate about Heidegger’s Phenomenology of Death as a Possibility.Eric J. Ettema, Louise D. Derksen & Evert van Leeuwen - 2015 - Open Journal of Philosophy 5 (7):445-458.
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    Nietzsche en het Postmodernisme.Bart Voorsluis & L. D. Derksen (eds.) - 1992 - Kampen: J.H. Kok.
    Drie cultuurfilosofische opstellen over de Duitse filosoof (1844-1900) als diagnosticus van de crisis in het hedendaagse denken.
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  10.  35
    Boekbesprekingen.P. C. Beentjes, M. Poorthuis, U. Hemel, P. Fransen, H. J. van Hout, W. G. Tillmans, J. Wissink, R. G. W. Huysmans, P. Verdeyen, Angela J. M. Holleboom, Ger Groot, P. van Tongeren, Marcello Gallucci, A. A. Derksen, Ulrich Hemel, H. Bleijendaal, M. V. D. Berk & H. P. M. Goddijn - 1982 - Bijdragen 43 (3):318-344.
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    Boekbesprekingen.P. C. Beentjes, Marc Schneiders, J. Lambrecht, Wim Weren, Bart J. Koet, M. J. J. Menken, J. C. Delbeek, G. Rouwhorst, Jacques van Ruiten, Ulrich Hemel, W. G. Tillmans, Ad V. D. Helm, Ad van der Helm, Drs J. L. M. Vis, A. van de Pavert, H. J. Adriaanse, A. A. Derksen, Freda Dröes & Joh G. Hahn - 1990 - Bijdragen 51 (3):324-343.
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    Boekbesprekingen.P. C. Beentjes, P. Ahsmann, J. -M. Tison, P. Fransen, J. Y. H. A. Jacobs, L. Bakker, J. Ghoos, R. G. W. Huysmans, M. V. D. Berk, H. Bleijendaal, A. A. Derksen & H. P. M. Goddijn - 1980 - Bijdragen 41 (4):445-459.
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    Boekbesprekingen.W. Beuken, P. Fransen, P. Ahsmann, J. -M. Tison, J. Lambrecht, P. Smulders, B. Van Dorpe, Frank De Graeve, B. van Dorpe, F. Tillmans, R. Ceusters, Jos Vercruysse, G. Wilkens, J. H. Nota, A. A. Derksen, K. Boey, D. Scheltens, J. Kijm, P. van Doornik, S. Sangers, J. Rupert & E. de Strycker - 1971 - Bijdragen 32 (2):193-231.
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    Boekbesprekingen.W. Beuken, Wim Weren, Tamis Wever, A. L. H. M. Van Wieringen, J. Luyten, P. C. Beentjes, P. Fransen, M. Poorthuis, J. Lambrecht, J. Smit, W. G. Tillmans, A. H. C. Van Eijk, Th C. de Kruijf, Vincent de Haas, Ulrich Hemel, W. G. Tillman, R. G. W. Huysmans, A. Baekelandt, J. W. Besemer, M. F. G. Parmentier, J. Y. H. Jacobs, H. P. M. Goddijn, J. Besemer, A. V. D. Pavert, H. Bleijendaal, Marcello Gallucci, Ger Groot, C. Traets, A. A. Derksen & W. de Mahieu - 1984 - Bijdragen 45 (1):59-113.
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    (2 other versions)Boekbesprekingen.J.-M. Tison, F. Tillmans, P. Fransen, Eddy Van Waelderen, G. De Schrijver, F. De Grijs, A. J. Leijen, Jos Vercruysse, P. Grootens, H. Berghs, A. Poncelet, D. Scheltens, K. Boey, A. A. Derksen, A. Baekelandt, R. Ceusters, R. Hostie, S. De Smet, E. Kerckhof, E. De Strycker & Frank De Graeve - 1971 - Bijdragen 32 (4):436-460.
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  16.  25
    L.D. Derksen, Dialogues on Women, Images of Women in the History of Philosophy, Amsterdam, VU University Press, 1996, 165 pagina’s. [REVIEW]Atie Brüggemann-Kruijff - 1997 - Philosophia Reformata 62 (1):112-117.
  17. de Loë, Baron. Musées Royaux du Cinquantenaire, Belgique ancienne. Catalogue descriptif et raisonné. [REVIEW]J. Breuer - 1929 - Revue Belge de Philologie Et D’Histoire 8 (1):280-281.
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    Gavin D'Costa's Theory of the Unevangelized: A Continuing Assessment.Kyle Faircloth - 2019 - New Blackfriars 100 (1089):577-596.
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    Feeling Pressure to Be a Perfect Mother Relates to Parental Burnout and Career Ambitions.Loes Meeussen & Colette Van Laar - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:342086.
    _Background and aims:_ Intensive mothering norms prescribe women to be perfect mothers. Recent research has shown that women’s experiences of pressure toward perfect parenting are related to higher levels of guilt and stress. The current paper follows up on this research with two aims: First, we examine how mothers regulate pressure toward perfect mothering affectively, cognitively, and behaviorally, and how such regulation may relate to parental burnout. Second, we examine how feeling pressure toward perfect mothering may spill over into mothers’ (...)
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  20. A review of empirical studies assessing ethical decision making in business. [REVIEW]Terry W. Loe, Linda Ferrell & Phylis Mansfield - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 25 (3):185 - 204.
    This article summarizes the multitude of empirical studies that test ethical decision making in business and suggests additional research necessary to further theory in this area. The studies are categorized and related to current theoretical ethical decision making models. The studies are related to awareness, individual and organizational factors, intent, and the role of moral intensity in ethical decision making. Summary tables provide a quick reference for the sample, findings, and publication outlet. This review provides insights for understanding organizational ethical (...)
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  21.  23
    Health care ethics and health law in the Dutch discussion on end-of-life decisions: a historical analysis of the dynamics and development of both disciplines.Loes Kater, Rob Houtepen, Raymond De Vries & Guy Widdershoven - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 34 (4):669-684.
    Over the past three or four decades, the concept of medical ethics has changed from a limited set of standards to a broad field of debate and research. We define medical ethics as an arena of moral issues in medicine, rather than a specific discipline. This paper examines how the disciplines of health care ethics and health care law have developed and operated within this arena. Our framework highlights the aspects of jurisdiction and the assignment of responsibilities. This theoretical framework (...)
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  22.  40
    The time course of argument reactivation revealed: Using the visual world paradigm.Loes Koring, Pim Mak & Eric Reuland - 2012 - Cognition 123 (3):361-379.
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  23.  19
    Testing a Self-Compassion Intervention Among Job Seekers: Self-Compassion Beneficially Impacts Affect Through Reduced Self-Criticism.Loes M. Kreemers, Edwin A. J. van Hooft, Annelies E. M. van Vianen & Sophie C. M. de Zilwa - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  24.  18
    Testing a Self-Compassion Intervention Among Job Seekers: Self-Compassion Beneficially Impacts Affect Through Reduced Self-Criticism.Loes M. Kreemers, Edwin A. J. van Hooft, Annelies E. M. van Vianen & Sophie C. M. Sisouw de Zilwa - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  25. A new investigation of the nature of abstract categories.Loes Stukken, Steven Verheyen, Matthew Dry & Gerrit Storms - 2009 - In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn, Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
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    Disciplines met dadendrang: gezondheidsethiek en gezondheidsrecht in het Nederlandse euthanasiedebat 1960-1994.Loes Kater - 2002 - Amsterdam: Aksant.
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    Health care ethics and health law in the Dutch discussion on end-of-life decisions: a historical analysis of the dynamics and development of both disciplines.Loes Kater, Rob Houtepen, Raymond De Vries & Guy Widdershoven - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 34 (4):669-684.
    Over the past three or four decades, the concept of medical ethics has changed from a limited set of standards to a broad field of debate and research. We define medical ethics as an arena of moral issues in medicine, rather than a specific discipline. This paper examines how the disciplines of health care ethics and health care law have developed and operated within this arena. Our framework highlights the aspects of jurisdiction and the assignment of responsibilities . This theoretical (...)
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    What structural priming can and cannot reveal.Loes Koring & Eric Reuland - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
    The nature of mental representations of linguistic expressions in relation to the time course from intention to articulation is a major issue. We discuss Branigan & Pickering's proposal to use structural priming to tap into this process. We show that their interpretation of their findings cannot be maintained. We reinterpret these results and suggest a revision of their conclusions.
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  29. Logics and algebras for multiple players.Loes Olde Loohuis & Yde Venema - 2010 - Review of Symbolic Logic 3 (3):485-519.
    We study a generalization of the standard syntax and game-theoretic semantics of logic, which is based on a duality between two players, to a multiplayer setting. We define propositional and modal languages of multiplayer formulas, and provide them with a semantics involving a multiplayer game. Our focus is on the notion of equivalence between two formulas, which is defined by saying that two formulas are equivalent if under each valuation, the set of players with a winning strategy is the same (...)
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  30.  72
    The biomedical standardization of premenstrual syndrome.Loes Knaapen & George Weisz - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 39 (1):120-134.
    This essay traces the history of premenstrual syndrome in French, British, and American medical literature from 1950 to 2004. Aetiological theories, treatments and diagnostic criteria have varied over time and place, reflecting local conditions and changing notions of objectivity and evidence. During the 1970s researchers in each nation utilised different research strategies to overcome variation and contradictory results characteristic of PMS research. Since the 1980s, attempts have been made to standardise research internationally through prospective daily rating questionnaires that diagnose and (...)
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    Inscriptions into the blank: Autocommunicative strategies in John Barth’s LETTERS.Loes Nas - 1997 - Semiotica 113 (3-4):317-336.
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    Cultural issues in making and using the visual problem appraisal “Kerala’s Coast”.Loes Witteveen & Bert Enserink - 2007 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 19 (4):94-118.
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    Feminism for sale: Case study of a pro-sex feminist business.Meika Loe - 1999 - Gender and Society 13 (6):705-732.
    This article is a case study of a woman-owned and-operated sexual products business, conceived in the midst of a fragmenting women's movement in 1977. The article tracks the evolution of pro-sex feminist ideology within this business during the past 22 years. Whereas most feminist organizations research focuses on nonprofit organizations and their relationship to the state, this study focuses on a political organization that depends on profits for survival. The voices in this study reveal the complexities of running an “alternative” (...)
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  34.  25
    Perpetuating Inequality: Junior Women Do Not See Queen Bee Behavior as Negative but Are Nonetheless Negatively Affected by It.Naomi Sterk, Loes Meeussen & Colette Van Laar - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    On knowledge and obligation.Can Başķent, Loes Olde Loohuis & Rohit Parikh - 2012 - Episteme 9 (2):171-188.
    This article provides a brief overview of several formal frameworks concerning the relation between knowledge on the one hand, and obligation on the other. We discuss the paradox of the knower, knowledge based obligation, knowingly doing, deontic dynamic epistemology, descriptive obligations, and responsibilities as dynamic epistemology.
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  36.  16
    Adolescents of the U.S. National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study: Male Role Models, Gender Role Traits, and Psychological Adjustment.Nanette Gartrell, Loes Van Gelderen, Naomi Goldberg & Henny Bos - 2012 - Gender and Society 26 (4):603-638.
    This article focuses on the influence of male role models on the lives of adolescents in the U.S. National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study. Half of the adolescents had male role models; those with and those without male role models had similar scores on the feminine and masculine scales of the Bem Sex Role Inventory, as well as on the trait subscales of the State-Trait Personality Inventory and the Child Behavior Checklist. A positive association was found between feminine gender role traits (...)
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  37. Economie redden.Door Loes Nijland - forthcoming - Idee.
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  38. Chapter Six Ancient Landscape in Roman Nikopolis: Reconstruction of Geomorphology and Vegetation in the Area of the Roman City of Nikopolis, Epirus, Greece.Annelies Lh Storme, Loes Jt Janssen, Sjoerd J. Klutving & Sjoerd Bohncke - 2007 - In Bart Ooghe & Geert Verhoeven, Broadening horizons: multidisciplinary approaches to landscape study. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
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  39. The meaning in grandiose delusions: measure development and cohort studies in clinical psychosis and non-clinical general population groups in the UK and Ireland.Louise Isham, Bao Sheng Loe, Alice Hicks, Natalie Wilson, Jessica Bird, Bentall C., P. Richard & Daniel Freeman - forthcoming - The Lancet Psychiatry.
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    Evidence of Factorial Validity of Parental Knowledge, Control and Solicitation, and Adolescent Disclosure Scales: When the Ordered Nature of Likert Scales Matters.Francesca Lionetti, Loes Keijsers, Antonio Dellagiulia & Massimiliano Pastore - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  41. The Facets of Artificial Intelligence: A Framework to Track the Evolution of AI.Fernando Martínez-Plumed, Bao Sheng Loe, Peter Flach, Sean O. O. HEigeartaigh, Karina Vold & José Hernández-Orallo - 2018 - In Fernando Martínez-Plumed, Bao Sheng Loe, Peter Flach, Sean O. O. HEigeartaigh, Karina Vold & José Hernández-Orallo, Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence Evolution of the contours of AI. pp. 5180-5187.
    We present nine facets for the analysis of the past and future evolution of AI. Each facet has also a set of edges that can summarise different trends and contours in AI. With them, we first conduct a quantitative analysis using the information from two decades of AAAI/IJCAI conferences and around 50 years of documents from AI topics, an official database from the AAAI, illustrated by several plots. We then perform a qualitative analysis using the facets and edges, locating AI (...)
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  42.  42
    Feel like you belong: on the bidirectional link between emotional fit and group identification in task groups.Ellen Delvaux, Loes Meeussen & Batja Mesquita - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  43. Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence Evolution of the contours of AI.Fernando Martínez-Plumed, Bao Sheng Loe, Peter Flach, Sean O. O. HEigeartaigh, Karina Vold & José Hernández-Orallo (eds.) - 2018
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    (1 other version)Visual target distance, but not visual cursor path length produces shifts in motor behavior: a multisensory integration perspective.Loes C. J. Van Dam - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  45. The impact of ethics code familiarity on manager behaviour.T. Wortuba, L. Chonko & T. Loe - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 33:59-69.
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    Emotions are not always contagious: Longitudinal spreading of self-pride and group pride in homogeneous and status-differentiated groups.Ellen Delvaux, Loes Meeussen & Batja Mesquita - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (1):101-116.
  47. The seven sins of pseudo-science.A. A. Derksen - 1993 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 24 (1):17 - 42.
    In this paper I will argue that a profile of the pseudo-sciences can be gained from the scientific pretensions of the pseudo-scientist. These pretensions provide two yardsticks which together take care of the charge of scientific prejudice that any suggested demarcation of pseudo-science has to face. To demonstrate that my analysis has teeth I will apply it to Freud and modern-day Bach-kabbalists. Against Laudan I will argue that the problem of demarcation is not a pseudo-problem, though the discussion will bear (...)
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    The impact of ethics code familiarity on manager behavior.Thomas R. Wotruba, Lawrence B. Chonko & Terry W. Loe - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 33 (1):59 - 69.
    Codes of ethics exist in many, if not the majority, of all large U.S. companies today. But how the impact of these written codes affect managerial attitudes and behavior is still not clearly documented or explained. This study takes a step in that direction by proposing that attention should shift from the codes themselves as the sources of ethical behavior to the persons whose behavior is the focus of these codes. In particular, this study investigates the role of code familiarity (...)
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    Your Prompt is my command: On Assessing the Human-Centred Generality of Multimodal Models.Wout Schellaert, Fernando Martínez-Plumed, Karina Vold, John Burden, Pablo A. M. Casares, Bao Sheng Loe, Roi Reichart, Sean Ó hÉigeartaigh, Anna Korhonen & José Hernández-Orallo - 2023 - Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 77.
    Even with obvious deficiencies, large prompt-commanded multimodal models are proving to be flexible cognitive tools representing an unprecedented generality. But the directness, diversity, and degree of user interaction create a distinctive “human-centred generality” (HCG), rather than a fully autonomous one. HCG implies that —for a specific user— a system is only as general as it is effective for the user’s relevant tasks and their prevalent ways of prompting. A human-centred evaluation of general-purpose AI systems therefore needs to reflect the personal (...)
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    Managing New Salespeople’s Ethical Behaviors during Repetitive Failures: When Trying to Help Actually Hurts.Willy Bolander, William J. Zahn, Terry W. Loe & Melissa Clark - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 144 (3):519-532.
    Despite acknowledgment that performance failure among new salespeople is a prevalent issue for organizations, researchers do not fully understand the consequences of repetitive periods of failure on new salespeople’s unethical selling behaviors. Further, little is known about how a sales force’s reward structure and managerial attempts to intervene following failure affect new salespeople’s behavior. Combining an experiment with longitudinal growth models, we show that repetitive periods of failure increase unethical behaviors, and interventions intended to remind the salesperson to behave in (...)
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